
Apr 30, 2012

The Planning Desk

In our kitchen we have an area we refer to as the planning desk.  Basically it's an area with a small counter top, a middle drawer, and 3 small drawers along the side.  Above the desk is a double cabinet. 

We keep cook books, coloring books, play-doh, and messy projects in the cabinet.  The drawers held a mess of junk that we weren't sure what to do with. 

I have been meaning to 'fix' it up for awhile, but just haven't gotten around to it until shortly after Christmas when I was home on maternity leave.  If I had been smart I would have taken before and after pictures.  Oops, Sorry!

Here are the after pictures:

The left side of the cabinet.                                 The right side of the cabinet.

Close up of the cabinet.

It seems as if my kids are given some sort of coloring/activity book for almost EVERY holiday!  I used baby wipe containers with the lids taken off of them to help sort the books.  I put a label on the outside of the box.

On the other side I used old containers with lids to sort crayons, markers, colored pencils, pencils, card games, and erasers.  Again, I labeled the containers so that we would know what is inside each of them.

Brent likes to keep his keys in this cabinet.  I put Command hooks on the inside of the door so that we can easily find keys.  Can you guess which set is mine?

In the center drawer I used some small baskets to contain items so that they are not sliding all over the place.  I also put some rubber non-slip grip stuff under the baskets so that they stay in place when the drawer is opened and closed.

This is the top drawer along the side.  I put small baskets that link together in it.  We keep our phone chargers in it along with MP3 players and GPS.  I guess it's kind of like our mini-media drawer.

Next we have the homework drawer.  Now B is only in Kindergarten, but he does have some 'homework'.  G is in preschool he doesn't have homework, but he likes to do his 'work' when B is doing homework. 

The items in this drawer can only be used for homework.  This way B and G know where the items are and they are in good condition. 

I have 'assigned' my kids a desiginated color.  I started this for the scrapbooks that I make for them.  I use the desiginated color in other ways as well.  For example, B's color is blue.  When I write events for him on the calendar I use a blue marker.  This way when we see blue we know it's for him.  G's color is green and Baby M's color is magenta.

In the drawer B has a blue kit with the things he needs to complete his homework.  He can easily grab his box, go to the table, and complete his work.  I did purchase the same boxes for G and Baby M just so they would all match and fit in the drawer. 

B's homework box.

G's homework box contents.

The bottom drawer has an address book and some note cards.

So there you have it the organized planning desk!  How do you keep things organized?

Check out these other areas that I have organized:


  1. Popped in from SITS! You're so organized! I'm going to go puruse your archives--I desperately need help.

    1. Glad to hear you popped in! Organizing can be overwhelming! Just try a little at a time :) It doesn't happen over night. I feel so overwhelmed when things are just thrown around. I have to put things in their spots . . . my husband teases me about being OCD! ~Hope you found things to help you out and that will work for you. Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Love the organizing posts...definitely gives me inspiration!

    1. Oh thank you so much! Inspiration . . . how nice!!!!

  3. Can you come organize my house, please?! =) Love the re-purposing of the wipe containers! And I have to say...I'm slightly addicted to Command hooks. Aren't they like the greatest thing since sliced bread?

    P.S. If you haven't already, you should "pin" this on Pinterest!

    1. SURE! I love to help a friend in need :) I love finding new uses for containers as well and labeling. I must confess I have I think I'm in LOVE with my label maker.

      Yes, command hooks are a staple in our house!

      Thanks for the reminder about Pinterest. I have pinned my other organizing things, but forgot about this one!
