
May 2, 2012

4:30 AM totally do-able

I wake up at 4:30 AM every morning (Monday - Friday) in order to have enough time to feed my daughter and get ready for work.

I hate it!

I wish I were doing more than simply surviving the cycle.

I would love nothing more than to simply stay home and take care of my sweet baby.  I dream about how wonderful it would be to volunteer in B and G's classrooms.

Despite the fact that it is so early, each morning this is what I am greeted with  . . .

4:30 AM doesn't get much better than this!  I love this little girl.


  1. What a little sweetie! I had the great fortune of being able to stay at home and raise my two daughters. It certainly wasn't easy at times, but we made it. It's definitely something I won't ever take for granted. I'm visiting from SITS!

    1. Thank you, April. We think she's pretty sweet! How blessed you are to have been able to stay home :) I was home with her for 12 weeks and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Thanks for taking the time to visit :)

  2. How cute! Being a stay at home mom is the hardest job int he world. Popped in from SITS!

  3. That face makes waking up at 4:30 worth it.

  4. Your little one's smile is definitely worth waking for.

    If I were King of the Forest, I would make sure that all moms who wanted to stay home could ~ just seems like the kindest thing to do.

    1. A-MEN! I'll nominate you for king :)While I sound like I am complaining I do love my job and I feel very fortunate to have a job considering so many people in this world I searching for work.

  5. Oh my goodness, she is ADORABLE!! :) 4:30 a.m. is totally brutal, though.

    1. Thanks! I kinda like her ;) Yes, it's brutal. I have to wake her up. On the weekends she'll sleep in until 8ish. Too bad I have to be to work by 7:30!

  6. How could you resist that face? Even at 4:30 am that is adorable!

    1. She makes getting up at 4:30 totally worth it. Honestly, she is always so smiley and happy and snuggly when I get her up. Totally didn't get that from her Momma . . . I take a while to wake up.

  7. OMGoodness... she is a doll!

    Visiting from SITS, make it a great day!

    1. Thanks you!

      Thanks for visiting :) Hope you return :)

  8. Seeing your child every morning makes getting up that early so much better. I can definitely understand. I have to get up at 5:30 every morning, but it's always worth it in the end.

    1. You are so correct! My kids brighten my day each day! I feel so blessed to be a Mommy.

  9. Stopping from SITS. And bless you for getting up so early! lol. :)

  10. 4:30? Okay, you're my new hero!=)
    But I know having that time with your little one is worth far more than a little extra sleep. She's beautiful!

    1. OMG Hero status?! seriously?! I think I'm blushing :) A momma's gotta do what a momma's gotta do ... I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't know or do yourself. I wouldn't trade time with my kids for anything. They grow up too quickly.
