You may or may not be aware of the fact that I have gone back to work.
Also, you may or may not be aware of how chaotic the beginning of the school year is from the prospective of a teacher {Oh, heck for anyone for that matter. It’s hectic for me as a parent as well!}.
So you are better able to understand the craziness, I will provide you with a brief example of my day:
I get up at 4:30. I help to get all 3 kids ready and out the door. I drop Baby M off at the baby sitter and take B to school with me {He's at my school this year}. I put a smile on my face and greet 24 lovely kiddos {I really do have a great group this year!}. I give the same direction 585 times. I pack up my students and take them to the bus. I attend meetings and fill out paper work. Finally, I am able to prepare for upcoming lessons and activities {Of course this is done after contract time}. B and I pick up Baby M and head home for the evening. We eat dinner, do homework, take bathes and prepare for the next day. After putting the kids to bed and working on more things for school I manage to crawl into bed around midnight.
As you can imagine I'm just flat. out. exhausted!
Sadly, this is why I have not been as involved in the bloggy world. Things will begin to slow down soon and I will be able to participate more.
Like most people, I am living for the weekend more than ever. This weekend, however, brought more excitement {if you can call it that} than I would have liked.
Let me explain.
When I got home on Friday night, as I was talking with G about his day, I noticed that his voice sounded rather raspy.
Part of me thought it was just a result of, beginning of the school year germs. I also wondered if he may have had the beginning of croup.
Bright and early on Saturday morning he burst through our door and sounded terrible.
He sounded as if he was gasping for breath. In between breaths he managed to squeeze out a cry.
His main complaint . . . was that he couldn't talk. Yes, that's correct. He wasn't worried about the fact that it sounded as if he could barely breathe, he was upset about the fact that he had no voice.
Now, I need to explain {before you go judging me as a terrible parent and all}. Last year he had croup and sounded just like this. At the time I freaked out because he sounded like he couldn't breathe at all. Brent took him to the doctor's office and we learned that he did have the croup and that it just sounds bad. His oxygen intake was at 95%. So due to prior experience I knew it wasn't as bad as it sounded {and in all honest a break from his nonstop talking was welcomed}.
I called our doctor to ask if it would be better to take G to the ER or to an immediate care clinic. Rather than sending us to either he just called in a prescription {Um, THANK YOU!}
While Brent went to get meds I took G to the bathroom and turned on the shower. The steam from the shower helps constrict the blood vessels making breathing easier.
At one point G said he felt as if he were going to throw up so he headed to the toilet. I was completely grossed out at the sight of the disgusting toilet he was hanging his head over.
Naturally, what did I do? Well, I cleaned it of course. I mean what else do you at 6 AM on a Saturday when your kid is sick?! I also proceeded to clean the rest of the bathroom and the upstairs while I was at it.
I went on to throwing in a load of laundry.
By the time Brent returned with the medicine G was asleep on the bathroom floor.
*Please notice he is wearing none other than the Santa Jammies!
The directions on the bottle said to give him the medicine with food. We woke him up to give him a granola bar and the medicine. After swallowing it, he looked at us and said, "Umm that tastes good!"
It was too funny not to laugh at him.
He then wanted to lay back down with me and since he wasn't feeling well what else could I do, but comply with his request. Not to mention the fact that I never pass up on a good cuddle time.
When we woke up he sounded MUCH better and acted like himself for the remainder of the weekend.
So tell me how have you been?