
Jul 11, 2012

Use Sparingly - DIY Foam Soap

Let's face it when it comes to the term: Use Sparingly, kids are clueless!

No matter how many times you explain what it means or actually have them practice using a small amount; kids seem to be oblivious using just a little bit of anything.

Lately, my kids have been going through soap like CRAZY!

And well to put it quite honestly, I've had enough of them literally washing money down the drain.

I mean seriously let's think about how many times kids wash their hands in one day . . . it's gotta be like 582 or something very close.

So here's the solution that I have implemented.  You know those foam soaps that you can buy?  Well once they are emptied I have been saving, them rather than throwing them away. 

Now I have a little side note to add here: I LOVE the Bath and Body Works soaps.  They smell heavenly.  I wait until they are on sale for dirt cheap and stock up.  Well my kids, they just don't appreciate them in the same fashion as I do.  I'm not really sure how they do it, but they go through a bottle of soap 3 times faster than Brent and I do.  Also, the sink looks as if they finger-painted with the soap when they are done using it.

Sadly, I have told myself that I am going to have to stop buying this lovely soap because of those little wasters!  I have moved onto purchasing the clear kind.  Not any specific brand, just whatever is on sale or least expensive.

I use my empty foam soap dispensers {which just happen to be from Bath and Body Works} and pour some of the liquid soap into the dispenser.  I pour the soap level to just past the 'h' in bath.  I guess that would be approximately an inch of soap. 

Next, I fill the remainder of the dispenser with water.  I stop filling when the water level gets to the crease at the top of the bottle.  Once the dispenser is filled I put the top on and gently turn it upside down and gently shake it from side to side so that the soap and water mix together {Be sure to shake it gently because it will become a big foamy mess if you just shake it rapidly up and down}.

Voila!  There you have it, DIY Foam Soap!  Not only do my kids make less of a mess with it, but the soap lasts longer, and I have recycled the dispensers.  And less money is wasted, yay!  So it's like a win/win situation here people!

Oh by the way, I am now using the dispensers for their shampoo and body wash as well.  It works like a dream for these as well!

Check out my other DIY products:


  1. Seriously, what is it with these kids and how quickly they go through that soap??

    Good tip! I hadn't thought of that.

    1. I have no idea. It's like they think using more means they will be cleaner or something . . . oh wait these are boys we're talking about here, more like they think if they use more soap they won't have to wash as often!

      Thanks! I'm glad you like it :)

  2. Great idea! You're totally innovative!

    1. Why thank you!
      Nah, not innovative . . . just cheap!

  3. Almost all of my soap dispensers are "refilled"!

    1. It's the only way to survive, right?!

  4. My kids have been going through soap like crazy lately. I guess it's good that they are washing their hands but man, it's expensive.

    1. Yes, washing is good . . .
      Sometimes I think my kids put a pump in the sink, then one in their hands, and another in the sink before actually scrubbing. I just don't get how their tiny hands can go through SO much of anything. Seriously, I'm thinking about sending them a bill.

  5. Really? Just add water? Ok, that's easy enough! I love BBW too, but my kids use that foam up so CRAZY fast!

    1. Yes just water. Super simple!
      My kids go through it quickly as well, but not as quickly as the non-foaming kind.

  6. I'm having the same issue over here and going to use this tip ASAP! Great idea!

    1. It's nice to know that my kids are the only ones who use like 5 times more of something than they need to use!

      Thanks! I'm glad you like it :)

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