
Jun 16, 2012

An Ode to Blue Toothpaste

Oh blue toothpaste how I love you so.

I must confess I am a bit jealous because your rich blue color seems to only be found in children's toothpaste.

Along with my jealousy I am also confused about why your beautiful color is reserved for children's toothpaste. 

Personally, I think your color would be better appreciated and used properly by adults. 

Children should start out with a less, well how could I say, um vibrant color. 

I would even go as far as to suggest clear toothpaste might best suit their needs.

One of my favorite qualities that you possess is your ability to smear yourself opon multiple surfaces. 

Oh and these surfaces aren't always obvious,  such as the sink. 

No way my friend!  You share your blue love on a variety of areas.  You do not discriminate.

Let me list some of my favorite surfaces I have found your mark left upon:

- the sink

- the faucet

- the faucet knobs

- the mirror

- the counter

- the floor

- the bath mat

- the tub

- the washcloth bar inside of the tub

- the toilet

- the toilet seat cover

- the door next to the sink

- the door knob

- the trim around the door

- the front of the cabinets under the sink

- the shower curtain

- the towels (All of them, not just the hand towel on the sink.  You even migrate to the towels hanging on the opposite wall and opposite corner from where you are used.  You are so mobile!)

** Now we will move out of the bathroom and onto areas that aren't so obvious to locate you **

- the hall carpet

- the wall in the hall (Ha!  I just rhymed!)

- the banister

- the spindles along the stairs

- the carpet on the steps

- the wall along the stairs

- the floor in the foyer

- the kitchen floor

- the couch

- the coffee table

Ok, we are apporaching the the end of my list.  I have saved the best for last . . .

- the dog

Your wonders never sease to amaze me, blue toothpaste.  I do have one question, though.

How do you do it?  How do you get around so easily?  And on your own I must add. 

I know that you spread yourself in these areas. 

Two innocent children, who shall remain nameless, do not, I tell you they DO NOT smear you anywhere, but upon their toothbrushes.

What's that you ask dear blue toothpaste?  You want to know how I know that those two children are not responsible for you being left upon so many surfaces?

Well it's simple . . . they told me they didn't do it.

I don't understand why you are laughing at me. 

How could you mock me when I just professed my love to you?

Oh blue toothpaste I am so sad.


  1. LOL... so funny! I can imagine other household items magically making their presence felt in the most unusual places around your house too :)

    1. Oh you got it! It is A-MAZ-ING what those 2 can do with toothpaste. I'm telling you just when I think I've seen it all they prove me wrong. We have even resorted to putting the toothpaste on the toothbrushes for them and still it's everywhere. I draw the line at brushing their teeth for them :)

  2. LOL!! Love it! What is it with kids and toothpaste? I've found my girls squirting toothpaste everywhere a few times or so. They love to eat it. And smear it on the walls since my OCD Molly can't have it on her hands.

    1. I have no idea, but I'm telling you those kids . . . uggg drive me nuts with it! I'm right there with ya on the OCD.

  3. The evil sponge bob tooth paste... You Mae me laugh. The dog- priceless!

    1. Oh so it (Sponge Bob toothpaste) has visited you too? I'm so sorry!

      Glad you got a laugh!

      When we find it in a new spot my husband and I always joke with each other and say "Oh I found a new spot for blue toothpaste"

      Yes, the dog that's gotta be the best one.

  4. Thanks for the laugh today! I am in the same boat with the blue is EVERYWHERE!

    1. Glad you could laugh :)

      Yes, it's everywhere. I have come to the conclusion that someone who does not have children made it!
