
Jun 18, 2012

Father's Day FAIL

For the most part I'd describe myself as a fairly organized person.  Some (Brent) may even  refer to me as OCD, but I don't think I'd go that far.

I had been planning Brent's Father's Day present for awhile.  I decided that we would buy him an ice cream maker, some of those cool freezer mugs (to replace the old ones), and Baby M would make him a stepping stone to match the stepping stones both B and G made previously.  On Sunday morning we would bring him breakfast in bed.  For lunch we could go downtown to the canal and have a picnic lunch.  Finally, for dinner we would let him choose where he wanted to eat.

When I began my search, in May, for the ice cream maker I came across several at Walmart.  I thought they would go on sale closer to Father's Day.  I really should know better.  You would think that I would just buy something when I see it considering previous bad luck that I have experienced.

As for the freezer mugs, well I thought I could get those anywhere.  I mean when we bought the old ones (8 years ago) it seemed as if everywhere we shopped had them.  So I thought no big deal.  I'll just pick them up when we're out somewhere and even let B and G choose them.

Finally, the stepping stone, which I was going to make for the grandpas too, that was just pure laziness on my end.  I knew we had some materials left from when I had made them before, but I wasn't sure which materials we still had.  The thought of taking all 3 kids to a craft store on my own to purchase the materials seemed so tiring (I know terrible wife move here)!

Here's how it all went down:

Friday night I told Brent I was going grocery shopping (which I really was doing).  After going to 4 stores I was not able to find an ice cream maker or the freezer mugs!  At this point I began to panic.  It's Friday night I thought to myself . . . you don't have time to whip much together, not to mention it's the weekend and he's not at work, he's home!

As we were going to bed Friday night Brent and I were talking about what we were going to do to get out of the house on Saturday.  The roof on our house had hail damage so it was being replaced Saturday.  The repairmen were to begin at 6:30.  So out of nowhere my mouth just started talking.  Without realizing what I was saying I said: "well we wanted to get you an ice cream maker, but your terrible wife didn't get off her lazy rear-end until tonight and after 4 stores I gave up.  I was thinking maybe you'd like to pick out the one you want anyway."

On Saturday we all got up early.  It's a little difficult to sleep when there's pounding above your head.  Brent did pick out his ice cream maker and we got him some mugs too.  The kids didn't get naps and we went to bed late.  Everyone slept in on Sunday morning.

It was nice to sleep in, but this kind of messed up the breakfast in bed plan.  We moved onto Plan B, let Daddy choose where he wants to eat breakfast.  With a little help from B, Brent chose Dunkin' Donuts.  After breakfast Brent suggested going to the pool (so much for the canal downtown). 

Brent did choose where we ate dinner (Yay!  We stuck to one part of the plan).  He chose BJ's Brew House.  My order was messed up and we had to wait an extremely long time (like everyone was able to finish their dinner) for my meal to come.  It was just an accident and the manager made it right.

Brent and the boys finished the evening by making ice cream together!

While things didn't go quite as planned, we did spend time together and enjoy our time as a family.  In the end that's the most important thing.

Happy Father's Day!


  1. We had a total plan B day yesterday too. I had some moments of OMG this day is getting RUINED! But it all turned out well and we were together, so that's what's the most important, right?

    1. I totally agree, being together is what's important!

      Sorry to hear that you had to move to plan B yesterday as well :(

  2. It sounds like you had a wonderful time together!

  3. That doesn't sound like a fail at all! It looks like a terrific time was had by all! And ice cream at the end of it...added bonus!

    1. Yes, ice cream is a bonus! The boys fell asleep before they could try it. So we are waiting until after dinner tonight to try it out.

  4. That doesn't sound like a fail, just things not going according to plan. And now you can make ice cream at home. Score and maybe a little dangerous :)

    We went to the mountains and planned to eat dinner up there. My husband decided on another resturant and then we lost track of time. Dinner at a resturant was not an option since I didn't want to listen to crying kids the whole meal. Hello McDonalds for the kids and sushi take out after the kids went to bed for us. It was still a great day and that is all that matters.

    1. Yeah, ice cream whenever could be dangerous . . . or money saving with the way my hubby eats it (who knows)!

      Sounds like you all had a nice time for Father's Day as well. If your kids are anything like mine, I'm sure they were happy as could be with McDonalds. My kids think that's the best dinner EVER!

      Yes, enjoying time together is what's most important!

  5. Look at all those big smiles! A great time was had by all.

  6. that's not a fail at all! It sounds like your hubs had a great day and that's what's most important!

    1. You're right he did have a great day. He's not the make a big deal outta stuff kinda guy. I just didn't want things to seem as if there was no thought put into it and that we didn't care. He appreciated the day, that's what counts!

  7. It sounds like it was a lovely day, even if your best intentions didn't pan out like you hoped!
