
Apr 28, 2012

AWWW they love each other, they really do!

Last night B and G had yet another explosive argument over nothing other than 'the spot'.  Now you may be asking yourself, What is this spot she is referring to

Let me answer this for you.  'The spot' is the sink in the bathroom that both boys like to use to brush their teeth.  I would like to share with you that there are not only 1, but 2 sinks in the bathroom, but they both like the same sink!  Seriously, sometimes I don't even know why we bother!

Anyway during the argument they managed to wake Brent up, who had dozed off while trying to calm Baby M during her fussy time of the night. 
     *I just realize that this post is beginning to portray my children in a rather crabby light, oops!

So after waking the beast Daddy, B was sent to bed because get this  . . . G nicely (meaning used manners and didn't whine) asked him to help put toothpaste on his toothbrush.  Well B replied I'll only do it if you let me have the spot!  (Nice, I know, right?!  Such a proud Mommy moment for me.  On a positive note I do like the thinking process he was using.)

G came downstairs to tattle report the situation to me.  Well it sounded to me as if Brent had taken care of everything.  I finished what I was doing downstairs and headed upstairs to go to bed for the evening.  I made a stop in B's room to kiss him goodnight.  As I closed the door I was greeted with a slightly angry G who informed me (with his hands on his hips, tapping his foot at me and all) that HE wanted to kiss B goodnight too.

Please notice the gun and knife magazine that he loves is on his headboard!

So there you have it . . . despite the fact that argue, call each other Bubbas (which I'm sure is code for jackass), and tell each other "I'm not your brother", at the end of the day they still love each other.   I have to admit it makes my heart melt . . . just a little.


  1. AWWWWWW! Of course, in my house, there would be a third picture of one kid whacking the other over the head, and a fourth picture of somebody crying. Not that those would make it to the blog. : ) Your kids must be WELL behaved.

    1. Ha! Ha! My kids well behaved . . . Um yeah please keep thinking that :) Did you read my post about the email from B's teacher? If not you'll have to. It's called The email.

  2. LOL! That is funny=-) Brotherly love is so sweet!

    1. Yes it is! I'll need to remind myself of this the next time I have to play referee between them.

  3. My kids are the same way. One minute they are fighting. The next minute they love each other.

    1. Funny little creatures aren't they?!

  4. so cute! I have to boys 2.5 and 8 months. I swear the older one was trying to kill his brother when we first brought him home, but now they laugh with each other and smile when the other comes into the room. It's really sweet. Best part of being a mom is seeing your kids love each other.

    1. When we first brought G home it sure was interesting! Yes, the best part is seeing them love each other. I love to listen to them as they play . . . that is when they are being nice :)

  5. Aw that's just adorable!! I can't wait for my second one to be born to enjoy these sibling moments between the two boys.

    1. Thank you! Watch out when #2 is first born. B and G are 2 1/2 years apart. When G was about 2 or 3 months old they were both playing in the front room I stepped into the kitchen for like 2 minutes. I didn't hear G anymore so I went to check on the boys. B told me that they were playing hide and seek because, G said he wanted to. B had picked G up and put him in a bench seat thingy that we used for blankets! I could have died!

  6. Came over via SITS. So sweet! Sibling love is the best! :)

    1. Thank you for visiting!!! Yes, it sure is the best :)

  7. Hi, I am a new follower. I just nominated you for Liebster Blog Award. You can visit my blog at

    1. Thank you for taking the time to visit and for the nomination! I feel so honored :)

  8. How sweet! When my boys argue it's enough to make want to freak out! Then, they do something to show they love each other and my heart melts. It's a roller coaster!

    1. For sure it is a roller coaster! I like to think that the good/sweet things out weight the arguing! How old are your little ones?

  9. Those moments can make you pull your hair out sometimes, but those sweet moments together just melt me.

    1. They truly do! Hey maybe that's why Brent has less hair now than when we got married . . .
