
Jul 24, 2012

What does The Tooth Fairy Bring?

Last summer B lost his first tooth.  Losing a tooth is a pretty big deal.  Brent and I were faced with a dilemma –How much should The Tooth Fairy bring?

I thought since it was his first tooth, The Tooth Fairy should bring him $5.00.  Mr. Cheap Skate Brent thought $1.00 was enough.  My argument on the situation was that B, like any 5 year old, would want to spend his money immediately.  There aren't too many options for a 5 year old that cost $1.00.  I also thought that the first tooth should be worth more.

Brent held strong to his opinion that $1.00 was plenty, stating that, B would expect $5.00 or more for each tooth.

We struggled to come to a consensus on the payout.  So I made a post on Facebook to get the opinions of our friends and family regarding the situation.  I explained our debate and that I thought the Tooth Fairy should bring $5.00 for two reasons.  1)  It was the first tooth and 2) He wouldn’t be able to buy anything for $1.00.  Just to be fair I explained Brent's point of view as well {See, I can be nice}.

Wouldn’t you know . . . most people sided with me!  Surprise, Surprise {Sorry, I had to get 1 more dig at my hubby, Love you babe}!

And so the Tooth Fairy brought B $5.00 and he was THRILLED!

B lost another tooth tonight.  He looks like a true 1st grader now, with his missing teeth!

B has lost a total of 3 teeth and managed to chip 1 of them {He only had 2 adult teeth when the accident occurred.}.  Let’s hope he is able to keep the rest of his teeth safe!

Has the Tooth Fairy come to your house?  How much did she bring?


  1. $5 for the first tooth, $1 for each after...with kids 18 months apart, there are weeks when more than one tooth is lost... it gets expensive!

    1. I'm sure it does get expensive!
      We have trouble with having cash on hand. Wounder if The Tooth Fairy has an ATM?

  2. Thank goodness we've got a couple more years before having to deal with that! We always got a quarter...but that definitely seems pretty cheap these days! I guess we'd better start saving!

    1. I don't remember what I got as a kid.

      Good idea, start saving now! I'm telling you what those kids will take every penny you have!

  3. I would be happy too! I hope he enjoys having some extra spending money!

  4. My oldest got $5.00 for losing her first tooth and gets $1.00 for everyone after that.

    1. That's what I thought would be a good idea.
      My hubby still lives in 1842!

  5. I think you were probably at the going rate these days. Would you believe I only got a dime as a child? I should be bitter, but there were six of us so....

    1. I thought that was the going rate. Which is why I suggested it . . . although I do think it's high {darn inflation!}

      Hey a dime is better than nothing :) 6 kids?! Bless your mother's heart. I would love to have all of those siblings. I have none :(

  6. We got $1, which was plenty for us. We never got more for the first tooth, it's not anything I ever thought of. We have a few more years before this is an issue in my house. I have a friend who gives $5 for every tooth, I told her that she'll regret that when she has 3 kids losing teeth.

    1. Oh my gosh $5.00 per tooth . . . that's a bit much, but to each his own!

  7. This is so funny! I wrote a tooth fairy post about my son's $5 payout last year. I was so mad at my husband for committing to that! But, we pay up every time. LOL!!

    It's actually one of my favorite posts if you want to check it out. (of course you can't see my son;s adorable toothless smile b/c blogger lost all my picures last year when I deleted my google + page but that's story for another day.)

  8. Wow $5.00 each time?! I don't think I could keep up with that one. I'm going to check the post out.

    That stinks about loosing pictures :( My old laptop crashed and took several pictures along with it. An IT guy who worked at my school was able to get most of the pictures back, which was nice, but there were still several that he wasn't able to find.

  9. The tooth fairy was just at our house last night as a matter of fact! :) The money the fairy leaves can range from a dollar to five dollars (that was for the first tooth) seems to be dependent on how much money the tooth fairy can scrape together! ;) Our tooth fairy also leaves a new book for the tooth loser. And she signs her notes with glitter. Quite frankly, I find our tooth fairy kind of obnoxious and wish I could tell her that setting her bar so high is pretty exhausting. ;);)

    1. Wow! Your Tooth Fairy puts our Tooth Fairy to shame!

      I love that the tooth looser gets a new book and the glitter . . . what's not to love about glitter?!

  10. He is gorgeous

    He has some good looks I really like so I am putting this little beauty on display life size in my home in one of my large digital picture displays.
