
Jul 18, 2012

Movie Review ~ Magic Mike

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About 2 weeks ago a friend emailed me along with 3 of our other friends.  She proposed a Mommy's night out, which included dinner and a movie.  The movie just happened to be none other than, Magic Mike.

Immediately when I read the email I became extremely excited at the thought of going to dinner with friends {AKA uninterrupted girl talk, nothing is better!}.  I had not heard of the movie and asked Brent if he knew what it was about {Don't laugh at me.  I don't get out much.}.  Of course, he began cracking up at me immediately as he told me about it.  He couldn't believe that I had no prior knowledge of the movie.  The conversation ended with him saying, "Oh, Erin", and his typical head in his hand shake.

I responded to the email, as did the others, and we arranged to have dinner and see the movie last Wednesday.  I couldn't recall the last time I had gone to the theater to see a movie that wasn't a cartoon.  I was totally pumped at the thought of seeing a movie and not having to take someone potty during it!

Alrighty so here you have it, my opinion of the movie {Take it for what it's worth}:

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Channing Tatum, oh wow, he looks good and the boy can dance!  You can't help but like his character, Mike.

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Matthew McConaughey, I was SUPER disappointed in him.  He looked old and greasy!  And I'm not talking about that pretty little sheen that's supposed to look hot; I'm talking nas-tay!

The movie started out with a good story line.  Mike works several jobs trying to save every penny he can.  His goal is to attain his own custom furniture store.  At one of his random jobs he meets, Adam, a young kid trying to find his way in the world just after high school.  Mike takes Adam under his wing and helps Adam to get on his own 2 feet and off of his sister's couch.

The story becomes rather drawn out and takes a turn for the weird when Mike and Adam preform on location at a sorority.  Drugs were introduced and honestly I was turned off.  Things really went downhill from there.

It appeared that the movie was totally written by a man who was envisioning what he thinks women are interested in.  There were more bare boobs in the movie than anything else.  Personally, I'm not all about seeing naked men {which you don't see} and I 'm guessing my face was several shades of red throughout the club and dancing scenes.

I've never been to strip club and if the movie truly depicted what occurs in one I'd be too embarrassed to go {Not that I'm judging anyone who has been or enjoys going.  If that's your thing more power to ya!  It's just not for me.}

Ok so over all, it was great to get out and have some adult time, the movie had its ups and downs.  I'd say the movie is more dollar theater or rent worthy.

Have you seen it?  What did you think? or Are you going to see it?  Are you doing a girls night out?


  1. I am going to see it tonight actually!

    I have VERY low expectations...Doesn't sound that appealing to me, BUT, like you, it's an excuse to get out for some girl time.

    P.S. I had no clue what the dang thing was about either until a few weeks ago. Oops. I guess we're too wrapped up in mommyland!

    1. Too funny that you're going to see it tonight. Girl time is very nice!

      Glad to know I'm not the only one who had no clue about the movie. Yes, totally blame it on Mommyland!

  2. fun post!! we are red box all the way...too much $ for movies I really never like!!

    1. Red box is certainly less expensive. If only they could mirror movie theater popcorn!

  3. This really didn't look like my kind of movie and you just confirmed that it isn't.

    1. Glad to know I could help you out :)

  4. I haven't seen it yet but I might rent it on Netflix when it comes out just to say I saw it.

  5. I was away the weekend it came out when most of my friends went. My sister saw it and wasn't thrilled... I'm at the point where if I'm asked, I'll go, but I'm not in a big hurry!

    1. It is a fun girls night thing to do!

  6. I haven't seen it but I'm hearing most people say the same as you. I'll wait for it to come out on Netflix.
