
May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

My day started with a beautiful handmade (literally) card from my family along with a Cinnamon Crunch bagels from Panera and a Frappuccino from Starbucks.

We quickly went grocery shopping and then headed to the zoo.

It was a beautiful day.  First we went to visit the sharks.  Both B and G were excited because they were able to pet the sharks!

These are Dog Sharks.  While we were there the zookeepers were feeding them.  Apparently they only eat every 3 days because they are cold blooded.  They were fed shrimp.

From the sharks we headed to the dolphin dome.  This was the first time Baby M has been to the zoo.  It was difficult to capture, but I just loved the look of amazement on her face as she watched the dolphins swim around.

We visited the lions.  Usually the lions are asleep in some far off corner when we are at the zoo.  It is rare to capture a picture of them awake let alone from such a close angle.  While watching the lions B asks "Why are there 2 girls and only 1 boy lion?"  Brent replies "He's a lucky guy." 
Oh lovely . . . I can hardly wait until this comes back to bite him me!

Baby M looks a little worried about that lion.

Next, we were off to visit the rhinos.  I would like to personally thank the group of middle school students who found it necessary to bring it to B and G's attention that the rhinos were sniffing poop and continue to go on and ON about it.  I spent the next 45 minutes reminding them that we don't always need to talk about poop.

Oh and the fun 'boy talk' didn't stop at the rhinos.  No way!  It continued when we saw the monkeys with the red rear ends.  B LOUDLY pointed it out to G when he said "Hey G, look at his pink bottom, that's funny!"  In an effort to stop the conversation Brent said, "It's not that big of a deal you're bottom is pink too."  The next thing we knew G was spinning circles with the back of his shorts held out trying to see if indeed his bottom was pink or not.  All I could do at this point was walk away shaking my head.

They managed to pull themselves together when we visited the brown bear.

B comparing his arm span with the wing span of a bat.

Now it's G's turn.  B helps demonstrate.

The merekats.  Usually these little guys are pretty active.  They were pretty calm for some reason yesterday.  Either that or my children were so wild it made the merekats seem tame.

Did you know that cheetahs are the fastest land animal?

How appropriate for Mother's Day, an elephant with her baby.  How reassuring that even baby elephants have a mind of their own and leave mothers wondering behind.

The tigers were very interactive.  This tiger was pacing back and forth.  B and G were walking along with him/her.  G even tried to kiss the tiger . . . all I could think about were all of the germs on the glass EWWWW gross!

This ends our lovely trip to the zoo.  I hope everyone out there had a lovely Mother's Day!  Please share how your day was.


  1. What a fun trip to the zoo. My kids had fun when I took them but they were sad that there were no elephants.

    1. It was a fun trip! I love just watching the reactions kids have to the animals. It's so amazing. No elephants, that's sad :( We have quite a few. They have been really successful with IVF with the elephants here which is pretty difficult, I guess.

  2. Sounds like a fun trip! My kids love the zoo. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

    1. The trip was fun. The day was wonderful. Thanks! Hope you had a great and relaxing day as well :)

  3. Looks like a fun day. My son would have zeroed in on the poop and butts, too, by the way!

    1. Thanks! Well, it's nice to know my kids aren't the only ones :) Most days I walk around shaking my head at them . . .

  4. Now that's the way to get spoiled :) Love the look on your baby's face when she saw the dolphins and the boys got to pet a shark - jealous!

    Thank you so much for stopping by CinS today - it really was so sweet :)

    1. I was so spoiled :) Our zoo is pretty cool. We feel pretty lucky.

      You're welcome. I'm so glad to meet new people. I've been super busy at work lately so I haven't been able to 'mingle' as much as I would like to. Only 7 days of school left . . . I can survive! Thank you for stopping by as well :)

  5. So funny about the potty humor...I went to the zoo today and the little boys in front of us kept going on and on about the monkeys pooping. That type of humor is in men from day #1 ;)

    Looks like you had a great day - love the pics...and I'm SO craving a cinnamon Panera bagel and a Starbucks frap - those are two of my favorite things ever too!

    1. Oh yes, boys/men have such an odd sense of humor. I'm beginning to learn that it really just 'comes' with the territory. It isn't something that is 'learned'.
