
May 23, 2012

180 Days

As of tomorrow I will have had the opportunity to enlighten the minds of my students for 180 days.

Yep, you got it tomorrow is the last day of school, for students, that it.

While part of me is so excited that I am lacking the words to express my joy, I am blue, as well.

I have been provided the opportunity to work with and whiteness my school babies grow and develop and learn for 100 and 80 DAYS!  So many amazing things have occurred in this time.

When you work with someone for that long they tend to become a part of you.  No, they are not my children, but I am their teacher.

I care about them and love them and think of them often.

When they succeed I cheer them on.

When they don't understand I explain, and re-explain until I am blue in the face and I will even do it again until they get it.  That's my job and that's what I love to do.

I comfort them when they need some support.

I nudge them when they are just idling along and encourage them to always strive for the best and not to stop until they succeed.

Yes, tomorrow marks the end of the year.

I am looking forward to a much needed break.

A part of me will be breaking inside as I watch them






out my door and onto 2nd grade.

May they hold onto all that they have learned this year and may they remember how  much I care!


  1. When I was a teacher the end of the school year was always bittersweet for me. I liked that the summer was here, but I hated saying goodbye to the kids who were "mine" for the last 9 months.

    1. Goodbye is always so difficult!

    2. Goodbye is always so difficult!

  2. I've always wondered how the end of school would feel for a teacher. I know kids are excited to get out of school but I've never had a teacher tell me what they felt.

    1. I can't speak for all teachers, but I do know quite a few who are upset when the last day of school rolls around. I personally take comfort knowing that I will be in the same building so I can check up on my kiddos, and I do check in on them. The year before last year my district did a 'redesign'. They re-drew boundary lines and teachers were moved to new buildings. It was especially hard for me to be moved to a new building and not be able to see my pervious students and know how they are. Yes, I see communicate with the teachers from the old building once in a while and ask how the kids are, but it's not the same.

  3. Thank you so much for the work that you do! My mom was a teacher and my dad still is one--it's not easy! But it's so important.

    1. Oh my gosh . . . you are so sweet! You have firsthand experience of what being a teacher is like, from your parents' perspectives. No, it's not easy, but it is so rewarding . . . when I am actually able to teach that is! Thank you for realizing how important teaching is. It makes me so sad to hear the negative things about schools and teaching that are out there. I only wish more people only knew and understood the reality of the situation.

  4. I felt the same way at the end of the school year. I always missed my students but I really looked forward to my nice long summer vacation. Enjoy your last day!

  5. You really can't help but get attached to them, I guess :). I work as a librarian, so I pretty much understand how you feel. My heart breaks a little when those kids move on.

    1. No, can't help it. Even the kiddos who are well a little trying at times . . . they have a sweet side, too and I miss them as well!

  6. I taught 2nd grade and when those kids left, my heart broke a little with each goodbye. They felt like my children. Would their next teacher love them like I did? Not a day goes by that I don't miss teaching. Loved it so much. I love how you captured that feeling of the end of the year. Great post.

    1. They do feel like your own children. I always tell my kids that I may have 3 babies of my own at home, but they are my school babies.

      Thanks for reading my post :)
