
Apr 22, 2012

I went on a date with this guy I know

He took me to The Melting Pot.

He bought me a drink.

I didn't have to clean his drink up because he didn't spill it.

He held my hand.

We had a whole conversation . . . without any interruptions.

We ate hot food and I didn't have to take anyone to the potty as soon as it came.

He cut up his own food.

I didn't have to remind him to use his manners.

Ok, I know right know you're thinking:

 OOOO this girl is scandalous!

I'm no hussy!

Grandma and Grandpa are in town so I was able to go out on the town with my hubby!

We had such a nice night.

He didn't mind that I fell asleep when he brought me home.


  1. And you probably didn't have to leave a 50% tip to apologize for your date's behavior. : ) Not that I have ever done that.

  2. No I sure did not have to do that! Maybe for my kid's behavior at one time or another :) Oh my if you've had to do that for your date's behavior . . . then again my hubby can be a real 'treat' at times too!

  3. Date nights are the best!

  4. Oh how I adore date nights! I just wish they would happen more frequently!

    Glad you had a great night!

    1. Thanks! Yes, it would be nice if they happened more often. Only problem is dinner is so expensive not to mention paying for a sitter! That's why we wait for Grandma and Grandpa to visit.

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post, Erin! So hilarious. Date nights rock...and I ALWAYS fall asleep early too. Darn motherhood!

    The best part of the post though has to be the photo at the end - just shows how much fun you guys are!

    1. Thank you! Glad to know I'm not the only one who falls asleep too soon.

      That picture was taken at a family reunion a few years ago. I have to be honest . . . I did it because they told me I couldn't. Ha ~ I showed them :) The boys thought it was hilarious when we were hanging upside down.

  6. Glad you had a good time!
