
Mar 5, 2012

Kids' Bathroom

Kids’ Bathroom

The kids’ bathroom, or hall bathroom, only had one towel bar. One towel bar in a bathroom that will eventually be shared by 3 children causes 2 problems. 1) It’s not big enough! 2) It’s too tall!

We added this set of hooks that contains 4 hooks. In our old house it was in our son’s room. There really isn’t a place for it in his room at the new house. It works as a great place for the kids to hang their towels on their own!

B and G are beginning to have trouble sharing items. To alleviate the arguing I gave them each a shelf. The shelves are labeled with their names and their personal items on their personal shelves. The bottom shelf has items they share, like toothpaste.

The bathroom has a double sink. Under the first sink there are two containers. Each container is labeled. One container holds item for guests (like lotion, body wash, shampoo, etc.) while the other container holds lotion and body wash for the kids.

Under the second sink two more containers can be found. One container holds bath toys. The other container holds extra toilet paper.

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